Performance in installation empty stockings: full of love
Production stills: Jennifer Leahy, silversalt photography

I perform as a mummified voodoo doll, encased in an Egyptian mummy display cabinet, waiting to be alive. This ritualised performance is made up of a combination of primitive rituals of other traditions combined with contemporary performance. I lie still, encased in a calico shell-like outfit. I am released from the pins and shell, unravelled from the torn rags. I come to life and am carried to the nest to interact with Mothercrow.
The work comes to life when I am released from the mummified form and unravelled to the nest where I find myself interacting with the effigy. Ritualised actions take place; the idea is to embody the artwork, to unravel merged traditions celebrating life and death.
Sitting with Mothercrow. A meditation takes place, a conversation and a song. I point to the facial features as they are sung in French. Skeletons no longer live in the cupboard, secrets unveiled. I then fall asleep waiting for a dream. A broom is left in the doorway to invite communication with the spirits.

Static performance
Lie still in mummified state
Removal of pins
Opening of the shell
Unravelling of the rags
Wake up – open eyes
Sit up
Carried to the nest
Interactions with the effigy
Sitting with Mothercrow
Unveiling of the phallus
Asleep waiting for a dream
Shadow dance
One-hour meditation sitting in the nest